Grant Application Guidelines
Grand County Education Foundation excepts applications for activities and programs that help Grand County Kids. Types of projects funded can benefit classrooms with extra supplies, equipment, and updated software. We can help fund school and county wide workshops, travel expenses and much more.
Grand County Education Foundation excepts applications for activities and programs that help Grand County Kids. Types of projects funded can benefit classrooms with extra supplies, equipment, and updated software. We can help fund school and county wide workshops, travel expenses and much more.
- Applications received prior to the end of each month will be considered at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting of the GCEF – usually the third Wednesday of every month. You will be asked to attend the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and to present your project. You will be notified of the time of your appointment.
- Applicants who have received Foundation grants in the past are encouraged to apply again. Projects for which grants have been awarded in the past will be considered if applied for again. There is no limit to the number of Foundation grants that may be awarded to a person or to the number of times a project may be funded.
- The maximum grant award is $7000 unless otherwise authorized by the Board. If you apply for a grant of more than $7000, the Board will consider it and will consider whether to authorize the larger amount based on the strength of the project.
- Please fill out the application form completely. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Consider the purposes of the Foundation and address them in your application. The purposes of the Foundation are:
- To help Grand County students
- To reach a large number of students
- To provide real benefit to the community
- To provide grants in support of education
Accountability Form
Successful applicants are required to sign and return a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) form to the Foundation within 60 days of receiving the grant. Please follow these instructions:
Download the form:
Here is a sample Accountability Report from the Moab Charter School: |